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Tier Eight Food & Drink

Please select your level to personalise the tables below: 


The food with a single stat bonus offers a higher gain than food with two stat bonuses so you may wish to concentrate on dishes that give you a boost to your primary statistic only.


Note that Overthere Ale is slightly different from the other drinks, in that it adds to max health and power pools.

Name Duration Regen
at 80
Stat Bonus
at 80
Barracuda Casserole 40m 190 STA+AGI 13.2
Cabilis Cocoa Sweet Bread 40m 190 WIS+AGI 13.2
Cranberry Fruitcake 40m 190 STR+INT 13.2
Chocolate Chip Cocoa Cookies 40m 190 STR 17.8
Grilled Barracuda 40m 190 STR 17.8
King Prawn Bisque 40m 190 INT 17.8
Salted King Prawns 40m 190 AGI 17.8
Seared Barracuda Steak 40m 190 STA 17.8
Chocolate Covered Cranberry 40m 190    
Cranberry Cheesecake 40m 190    
Cranberry Caramel Pie 1h 190 WIS+STA 13.2
King Prawn in Stuffed Succulent 1h 190 WIS+AGI 13.2
Succulent and King Prawn Pie 1h 190 STA+AGI 13.2
Sugar Glazed Succulent Roast 1h 190 STR+INT 13.2
Seared Prawn Salad 1h 190 WIS 17.8
Barracuda Soup 1h 190 STR 17.8
Buttered King Prawns 1h 190 AGI 17.8
Leaf Wrapped Baked Succulent 1h 190 INT 17.8
Sweet and Sour King Prawn Soup 1h 190 STA 17.8
King Prawn in Cranberry Sauce 1h30m 190 WIS+STA 13.2
Cabalis Cocoa Pastries 1h30m 190 STA+INT 13.2
Cocoa Dusted Cranberry Tarts 1h30m 190 WIS+AGI 13.2
Spicy Seafood Burger 1h30m 190 STR+INT 13.2
Torsis Tea Ice Cream 1h30m 190 STA+AGI 13.2
Seared Succulent Sandwich 1h30m 190 WIS 17.8
Barracuda Bone Soup 1h30m 190 STA 17.8
Cabalis Cocoa Bars 1h30m 190 AGI 17.8
Cranberry Glazed Succulent Steaks 1h30m 190 INT 17.8
King Prawn Crisps 1h30m 190 STR 17.8
Cabilis Cocoa Birthday Cake 10m 190    
Cocoa-dusted Wedding Cake 2h15m 190    
Cranberry-filled Sweet Pastries 2h15m 190 WIS+STA 13.2
Licehnclover Root Crisps 2h15m 190 STA+INT 13.2
Luscious Cranberry Pie with Cream 2h15m 190 STR+STA 13.2
Cranberry Pie 2h15m 190 WIS 17.8
Cranberry Glazed King Prawn Skewers 2h15m 190 STA 17.8
Flame Skewered Spicy Barracuda Steak
with Cranberry Sauce
2h15m 190 STR 17.8
King Prawn Cocktail 2h15m 190 AGI 17.8
Roasted Barracuda Steak with Cranberry Sauce 2h15m 190 INT 17.8
Barracuda and Prawn Kebabs 2h15m 190 STA 17.8
Cranberry Cookie 3h22m 190 WIS 17.8
Cranberry Glazed Roasted Lichenclover Root 3h22m 190 AGI 17.8
Fried Barracuda Rolls 3h22m 190 STR 17.8
Licehnclover Seasoned King Prawn Omelet 3h22m 190 INT 17.8
Succulent Bisque 3h22m 190 STA 17.8
Crispy Fried King Prawn Heads 5h03m 190 INT+WIS 13.2
Juicy Cranberry Cobbler 5h03m 190 AGI+STR 13.2
Succulent Dip 5h03m 190 WIS 17.8
Barracuda Rolls 5h03m 190 WIS 17.8
Cabalis Cocoa Mousse 5h03m 190 AGI 17.8
Cranberry Tea Cake 5h03m 190 STR 17.8
Steamed King Prawn Dumplings 5h03m 190 INT 17.8
Teren Field Ration 5h03m 190 STA 17.8
Name Duration Regen
at 80
Stat Bonus
at 80
Cranberry Fizzlepop 40m 120 INT 13.2
Cranberry Juice 40m 120 AGI 13.2
Succulent Juice 40m 120 STA 13.2
Cranberry Cocoa Twist 40m 120 AGI+STR 13.2
Cranberry Stinger 40m 120 STA+STR 13.2
Succulent Cider 1h 120 WIS 13.2
Cabalis Cocoa Mocha 1h 120 AGI 13.2
Cranberry Beer 1h 120 STR 13.2
Cranberry Cocoa Smoothie 1h 120 STA 13.2
Succulent Kalish 1h 120 INT 13.2
Cranberry Sour 1h 120 WIS+INT 13.2
Cranberry Schnapps 1h 120 INT+STA 13.2
Iced Cabalis Cocoa 1h 120 AGI+STR 13.2
Sour Cranberry Brandy 1h 120 STA+STR 13.2
Succulent Smoothie 1h30m 120 WIS 13.2
Cranberry Flavored Beer 1h30m 120 STR 13.2
Succulent and Torsis Tea Fizzlepop 1h30m 120 AGI 13.2
Succulent Lager 1h30m 120 STA 13.2
Sweetened Barracuda Blood Kalish 1h30m 120 INT 13.2
Sparkling Cranberry Wine 1h30m 120 WIS+INT 13.2
Creamed Torsis Tea 1h30m 120 AGI+STR 13.2
Sweet Brewed Torsis Tea 1h30m 120 STA+STR 13.2
Overthere Ale 2h15m 120 Max HP/Pwr
Sparkling Cranberry Juice 2h15m 120 WIS 13.2
Cranberry Wine 2h15m 120 AGI 13.2
Whipped Cabalis Cocoa 2h15m 120 INT 13.2
Teren Tranquil Tipple 2h15m 120 WIS+INT 13.2
Headless Cockatrice 2h15m 120 AGI+STR 13.2
Sarnak Negotiator 2h15m 120 AGI+WIS 13.2
Cabalis Cocoa Liquer 3h22m 120 WIS 13.2
Cranberry Martini 3h22m 120 WIS 13.2
Sparkling Succulent Wine 3h22m 120 STR 13.2
Succulent Martini 3h22m 120 AGI 13.2
Succulent Sparkling Wine 3h22m 120 INT 13.2
Sweetened Cocoa Smoothie 3h22m 120 STA 13.2
Spiced Torsis Tea 5h03m 120 WIS 13.2
Cranberry Margarita 5h03m 120 AGI 13.2
Cranberry Sparkling Wine 5h03m 120 WIS 13.2
Iced Torsis Tea 5h03m 120 STR 13.2
Succulent Mead 5h03m 120 STA 13.2
Succulent Tonic 5h03m 120 INT 13.2
After Dark 5h03m 120 INT+STA 13.2
Drachnid Bliss 5h03m 120 WIS+STA 13.2
Tottering Brute 5h03m 120 INT+AGI 13.2

Thank you to Ulija who collected and checked all the data!


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