Website History
When the guild first started, I volunteered to create a website for us. Sorry.
Prior to creating the BritLore site, I had no knowledge of HTML or CSS or PHP or anything to
do with web technologies :) Version 1 corroborates this assertion! Version 2 is when we started getting our act together and Senanin did us a header image. The
site was still "hand-coded" HTML, but it wasn't long until version 3 came along and the rest is
- version 1: The very first version
- version 2: The first "black" version: entirely static HTML still though!
- version 3: Still going...
- v3 rev 2: The technology underpinning the boards was revamped.
The most obvious changes were Preferences allowing for themes, board subscriptions and an ignore list.
Theme: default
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