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10 October 2000 |
Spain Meet 2000 has finished :( Thank you Sixes and Faymar for your fabulous hospitality. The photos can be found in this directory! If you see any problems with the site, please let me know. We now have our own mail system available at Check it out! I have altered the E-Mail button on the BritLore image to direct you to theWebMail interface. There are also POP3 and IMAP also work. |
07 October 2000 |
Spain Meet 2000 has started. Faymar and Sixes have this crazy idea that they will post photos of the meet as it happens! I haven't the time to do something nice, but the photos can be found in this directory! Finally we have moved to our new domain :) Please bookmark the new address! If you see any problems with the site, please let me know. We now have our own mail system available at Check it out! I have altered the E-Mail button on the BritLore image to direct you to theWebMail interface. There are also POP3 and IMAP also work. |
01 October 2000 | Craic has made 60! Congratulations Craic - Grandmaster and (afaik) the first level 60 Iksar on Tarrew Marr and first level 60 in Britannic Lore! :) Ayrtonian has made 50! Congratulations Ayrt - only 10 more levels to go :) I have also added a couple of new screenshots and members pictures for Mulene and Tigburt. Check them out! We now have our own mail system available at Check it out! I have altered the E-Mail button on the BritLore image to direct you to theWebMail interface. There are also POP3 and IMAP also work. |
29 September 2000 | Not an update as such, just to let you know that I'm not ignoring the site, but am working to move the site over to the domain. We now have our own mail system available at Check it out! I have altered the E-Mail button on the BritLore image to direct you to the WebMail interface. There are also POP3 and IMAP also work. |
18 September 2000 | Spain Meet has reached the real-life pages! Though all the info is on the message boards! We now have our own mail system available at Check it out! I have altered the E-Mail button on the BritLore image to direct you to the WebMail interface. There are also POP3 and IMAP also work. |
14 September 2000 | Wizlor Reached Level 50! Well done! We now have our own mail system available at Check it out! I have altered the E-Mail button on the BritLore image to direct you to theWebMail interface. There are also POP3 and IMAP also work. |
12 September 2000 | The High Level members had a stroll throughthe Plane of Hate recently. Well done on a successful outing! We now have our own mail system available at Check it out! I have altered the E-Mail button on the BritLore image to direct you to theWebMail interface, although POP3 and IMAP also work. |
09 September 2000 | I have updated the members pages to allow you to change your own details. It's up to you to ensure that you keepyour details updated! Let me know what doesn't work or if you can think of any improvements! We now have our own mail system available at Check it out! |
03 September 2000 | Guild Meet was held yesterday and about 17 people turned up.Much drinking and talking occured and we had a great time! I have updated the Real Lifepages to include some photos! |
28 August 2000 | We have pictures of Ed and Sixes up and a screenshotfrom the BritLore picnic in Befallen on Saturday. As a reminder, the first Guild Meet will be held on 2nd September 2000 in Croydon! All Welcome! Accommodation information is also up now! |
26 August 2000 | New Bio from Faymar! This week has seen the intrepid explorer Ayrtonian risking life and limb to investigateCroydon in advance of next weekend... Ask him what he thought of the watering holethat we will be meeting up at and also what you can expect from the savages who frequent it... As a reminder, the first Guild Meet will be held on 2nd September 2000 in Croydon! All Welcome! Accommodation information is also up now! |
16 August 2000 | New Bio's from Iolan - well worth the read! Also, I've changed thescreen shots page to use thumbnails so it should load a little faster now :) The date for the first Guild Meet has been decided - 2nd September 2000 in Croydon! All Welcome! |
12 August 2000 | Oops! Sorry for breaking the site :( I was too tired to use FTP properly... On theplus side, I was adding yet more members! I count 39 members of Britannic Lore now! If I've missed anyone, let me know... The date for the first Guild Meet has been decided - 2nd September 2000 in Croydon! All Welcome! |
07 August 2000 | The date for the first Guild Meet has been decided - 2nd September 2000 in Croydon! All Welcome! Meldenaar has reached level 30! Congrats Mel :) Just remember that each Hell Level gets longer... |
06 August 2000 | I logged on this evening and noticed that Meldenaarhas reached level 30! Congrats Mel :) Just remember that each Hell level gets longer... Also, We stilll need a date for the first Guild Meet - check the message board. |
03 August 2000 | As you can see, I've updated the image at thetop of the page! (You may need to refresh the pages if your browser is caching the old one) |
29 July 2000 | Check out the Real Life pages for newson a Guild Meet. Also I've added a couple of new screenshots. The Message Board now accepts messages longer than255 characters! Also I have added a Last Updated column to the Thread View so that it is easierto work out which threads have new messages in them. |
28 July 2000 | We have a Message Board now! It's under the "Shop" button at the moment! |
24 July 2000 | We're now using the new ISP - we have security on theGuild Shop, so if you want to use it, ask Sen for the password! I'm in India all next week andwill be back on the 31 July. Have fun ! This has been the month for leveling as Rowenash has now reached level 50 too! Congrats Row! (Congrats to anyone else whom I havent' noticed reaching a major milestone - if you don't tell me, thenit won't get a mention!) |
14 July 2000 | I'm back from the good ol' US of A and have updated themembers list. Please let me know when you create a new character or retire one. You probablywant to check that I've got all your characters correct too... Whilst, I've been away, I see that Senanin has reached level 50! Congrats! This is probably the place to mention that if you want to meet up in-game, members of BritannicLore can be found in East Commons for the auction on Sunday evenings. We tend to hang out at thenorthern edge of the zone when where the desert becomes grassland as you come out from Freeport. |
23 June 2000 | I'm looking for ideas on how to organise the Screenshotssection of the site. Please let me know what you think as at the rate we're going, it's going to takehours to display that page! |
19 June 2000 | Codus showed us how to traverse a Hell Level when you have ahigh level Shaman and Magician helping you out! Roll on 40 C... Akra is finally sorting out hisarmour and making sure that it is fit for a level 23 Paladin - Bronze all round is the current fashion,so the Raw-Hide, just had to go... Thanks Meldenaar for the help in reading through the /auction spamin East Commons on a Sunday. |
18 June 2000 | Codus reached 35 last night! Welcome to Hell, Part II, C :) AlsoMadera is out of 12th! Mads, you can take comfort in that 13 is lucky for some... |
Pre-History | Senanin and Rowenash managed to create "Super-Bixie" Sen's newpet was buffed to the teeth, SoW'd and also given a particularly potent damage shield. Shortly after releaseinto the world, Senanin was forced to apologise to the young player that his pet had killed in 2 blows... |
Pre-History | Talena managed to kill herself in style whilst practising theMonkish talent of Safe Fall! On this occasion, having generated quite a crowd in East Commons, Talenamanaged to splat to a zone-wide round of applause... |
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